Closed Category listing
'4064' Search Result for: 'Plastic/ Pipes and Fittings'

1. The Bureau invites eligible bidders for the Procurement of an Electrical submersible pump and control panel with Accessories, HDPE pipe welding machine with power supply, and electromechanical spare parts

Energy, Pump Related, Engineering Service and Equipment, Electro Mechanical Equipment, Machinery., Machinery Spare Parts, Plastic/ Pipes and Fittings, Pipes and Tubes, Purchase.
Posted: 621 days ago  Doc price: 500
Deadline: April 12, 2023 (Bid Closed.) 3:30 PM on or before 21st calendar days

2. ጽ/ቤቱ አልባሳት ፣ የጽዳት ዕቃዎች (ኦሞና ሳሙና) ፣ ኮስሞቲክስ ፣ ልዩ ልዩ ዕቃዎች ፣ ሳኒታይዘር መርጫ (Plastic Empty Bottle) ባሉበት ሁኔታ አወዳድሮ ለመሸጥ ይፈልጋል

Cleaning and Janitorial., Cleaning and Janitorial Equipments, Furnishing and Fixture, Beautification Service and Material, Plastic/ Pipes and Fittings, Plastics and Plastic Products, Purchase., Other Purchase, Textile and Leather Products, Textiles/ Fabrics and Wearing
Posted: 621 days ago  Doc price: 100
Deadline: March 30, 2023 (Bid Closed.) 21/07/2015 ዓ/ም 3:30 ሰዓት

3. The Bureau invites eligible bidders for the Procurement of an Electrical submersible pump and control panel with Accessories, HDPE pipe welding machine with power supply, and electromechanical spare parts

Energy, Pump Related, Engineering Service and Equipment, Electro Mechanical Equipment, Machinery., Machinery Spare Parts, Plastic/ Pipes and Fittings, Pipes and Tubes, Purchase.
Posted: 621 days ago  Doc price: 500
Deadline: April 12, 2023 (Bid Closed.) 3:30 PM on or before 21st calendar days

4. ኢንተርፕራይዙ UPVC PIPES ፣ PPR PIPES እና ሌሎች ዕቃዎችን ግዥ ለመፈፀም ተጫራቾችን በግልፅ ጨረታ አወዳድሮ መግዛት ይፈልጋል

Plastic/ Pipes and Fittings, Pipes and Tubes, Purchase.
Posted: 621 days ago  Doc price: 100
Deadline: April 7, 2023 (Bid Closed.) መጋቢት 29 ቀን 2015 ዓ.ም. ከቀኑ 8፡00 ሰዓት

5. Call for Milk Utensil procurement.

Food and Beverage, Food Items Supply, Catering Service, Plastic/ Pipes and Fittings, Plastics and Plastic Products, Purchase., Other Purchase
Posted: 621 days ago
Deadline: March 31, 2023 (Bid Closed.) March 31, 2023, @ 4:30 PM.

6. ድርጅቱ የኤሌክትሪክ ዕቃዎች (ፓዎር ኬብሎች ፣ ላይት ፊቲንግ ፣ ስዊች ፣ ሶኬት እና የመንገድ ላይ ፖል እና ሌሎችም) ፣ የማሽነሪዎችና ተሽከርካሪዎች መለዋወጫዎችን በግልጽ ጨረታ አወዳድሮ ለመግዛት ይፈልጋል

Electrical and Electronics, Electrical Equipment and Accessories, Machinery., Machinery Spare Parts, Plastic/ Pipes and Fittings, Fittings and Fixtures, Purchase., Vehicle and Spare Parts, Spare Parts Sale and Supply, Wood and Wood Related
Posted: 622 days ago  Doc price: 500
Deadline: April 6, 2023 (Bid Closed.) 15ኛው ቀን የሥራ ቀን

7. Invitation for eligible bidders for the supply of HDPE Pipes and Fittings

Plastic/ Pipes and Fittings, Pipes and Tubes, Fittings and Fixtures, Purchase.
Posted: 622 days ago  Doc price: 400
Deadline: April 19, 2023 (Bid Closed.) 30 (thirty) calendar days

8. Invitation for eligible bidders for the supply of HDPE Pipes and Fittings

Plastic/ Pipes and Fittings, Pipes and Tubes, Fittings and Fixtures, Purchase.
Posted: 622 days ago  Doc price: 400
Deadline: April 19, 2023 (Bid Closed.) 30 (thirty) calendar days

9. መ/ቤቱ የተለያዩ እቃዎች በግልጽ ጨረታ መግዛት ይፈልጋል

Accounting and Auditing, Auditing Related, Electrical and Electronics, Electrical Equipment and Accessories, Electronics Equipment, Office Supplies and Stationery, Stationery Supplies, Plastic/ Pipes and Fittings, Pipes and Tubes, Fittings and Fixtures, Purchase., Other Purchase, Textile and Leather Products, Textiles/ Fabrics and Wearing
Posted: 622 days ago
Deadline: April 4, 2023 (Bid Closed.) በ16ኛው ቀን ከጠዋቱ 4.00

10. ድርጅቱ የተለያዩ ቧንቧና መገጣጠሚያዎችን በግልጽ ጨረታ አወዳድሮ ለመግዛት ይፈልጋል

Plastic/ Pipes and Fittings, Pipes and Tubes, Fittings and Fixtures, Purchase.
Posted: 623 days ago  Doc price: 300
Deadline: April 2, 2023 (Bid Closed.) በ14ኛው ቀን ከጠዋቱ 3፡00 ሰዓት

11. ኢንተርፕራይዙ የተለያዩ የሳኒተሪና የኤሌክትሪክ ዕቃዎች በብሔራዊ ግልጽ ጨረታ አወዳድሮ መሸጥ ይፈልጋል

Cleaning and Janitorial., Cleaning and Janitorial Equipments, Electrical and Electronics, Electrical Equipment and Accessories, Plastic/ Pipes and Fittings, PVC Related Products, Sale., Other Sale
Posted: 623 days ago  Doc price: 100
Deadline: March 30, 2023 (Bid Closed.) ለተከታታይ 10 የሥራ ቀናት

12. መ/ቤቱ ትላልቅ የተለያዩ የቧንቧ እና የቧንቧ መገጣጠሚያዎች GI Pipe, GI pipe Fitting HDPE Fitting በግልጽ ጨረታግዥ ለመፈፀም ይፈልጋል።

Plastic/ Pipes and Fittings, Pipes and Tubes, Fittings and Fixtures, Purchase.
Posted: 623 days ago  Doc price: 200
Deadline: April 3, 2023 (Bid Closed.) በ16ኛው ቀን ከቀኑ 8፡00

13. Invitation to eligible bidders for plastic pipes by establishing High-Density Polyethylene (HDPE) and unplasticized Polyvinyl Chloride (uPVC) Pipes and Fittings Factory in the Akaki -Kaliti Industrial area of Addis Ababa

Plastic/ Pipes and Fittings, Pipes and Tubes, PVC Related Products, Fittings and Fixtures, Purchase.
Posted: 624 days ago  Doc price: 500
Deadline: April 2, 2023 (Bid Closed.) 15 days

14. ድርጅቱ ለተለያዩ አገልግሎት የሚውል የሠራተኛ የደንብ ልብሶች ፣ አላቂ የጽህፈት መሣሪያዎች ፣ የቢሮ የጽዳት ዕቃዎች ፣ የተለያዩ የመኪና ጎማዎች ፣ ለቢሮ አገልግሎት የሚውል ወንበሮችና ጠረጴዛ ፣ የተለያዩ የኤሌክትሮኒክስ ዕቃዎች እና ኮምፒውተሮች ፣ የተለያዩ ቧንቧና ፊቲንጎች በግልጽ ጨረታ አወዳድሮ ለመግዛት ይፈልጋል

Cleaning and Janitorial., Cleaning and Janitorial Equipments, Computer and Accessories, Computer Purchase, Electrical and Electronics, Electronics Equipment, Furnitures, Office Furniture, Office Supplies and Stationery, Stationery Supplies, Plastic/ Pipes and Fittings, Fittings and Fixtures, Purchase., Textile and Leather Products, Textiles/ Fabrics and Wearing, Vehicle and Spare Parts, Tyre and Battery
Posted: 624 days ago  Doc price: 500
Deadline: April 2, 2023 (Bid Closed.) በ16ኛው ቀን ከረፋዱ 4፡00

15. ድርጅቱ ለተለያዩ አገልግሎት የሚውል የሠራተኛ የደንብ ልብሶች ፣ አላቂ የጽህፈት መሣሪያዎች ፣ የቢሮ የጽዳት ዕቃዎች ፣ የተለያዩ የመኪና ጎማዎች ፣ ለቢሮ አገልግሎት የሚውል ወንበሮችና ጠረጴዛ ፣ የተለያዩ የኤሌክትሮኒክስ ዕቃዎች እና ኮምፒውተሮች ፣ የተለያዩ ቧንቧና ፊቲንጎች በግልጽ ጨረታ አወዳድሮ ለመግዛት ይፈልጋል

Cleaning and Janitorial., Cleaning and Janitorial Equipments, Computer and Accessories, Computer Purchase, Electrical and Electronics, Electronics Equipment, Furnitures, Office Furniture, Office Supplies and Stationery, Stationery Supplies, Plastic/ Pipes and Fittings, Fittings and Fixtures, Purchase., Textile and Leather Products, Textiles/ Fabrics and Wearing, Vehicle and Spare Parts, Tyre and Battery
Posted: 625 days ago  Doc price: 500
Deadline: April 2, 2023 (Bid Closed.) በ16ኛው ቀን ከረፋዱ 4፡00

16. Tender Notice for the Procurement of Tyres for General Service and Procurement of a Water Tanker 10000 Liter

Plastic/ Pipes and Fittings, Plastics and Plastic Products, Purchase., Vehicle and Spare Parts, Tyre and Battery, Water and Water Works, Water Engineering Machinery/ Equipment and Tools
Posted: 627 days ago
Deadline: March 31, 2023 (Bid Closed.) March 23, 31/ 2023

17. Light Fitting, Socket and Switch ግዥ ጨረታ መዝጊያና መክፈቻ ቀን መራዘም ማስታወቂያ

Electrical and Electronics, Electrical Equipment and Accessories, Plastic/ Pipes and Fittings, Fittings and Fixtures, Purchase.
Posted: 627 days ago
Deadline: March 21, 2023 (Bid Closed.) መጋቢት 12/2015 ከጠዋቱ 4፡00 ሰዓት

18. Call for National Tender for the supply Jerry can, Bucket, Laundry soap & Bathing soap

Cleaning and Janitorial., Cleaning and Janitorial Equipments, Plastic/ Pipes and Fittings, Plastics and Plastic Products, Purchase.
Posted: 628 days ago
Deadline: March 29, 2023 (Bid Closed.) 29 March 2023 at 10:00 A.M.

19. ት/ቤቱ የጽሕፈት ዕቃዎችን ፣ የፅዳት ዕቃዎችን ፣ የኤሌክትሪክ እቃዎችን ፣ የቧንቧ ዕቃዎችንና አልባሳት ቱታዎች በብሔራዊ ግልፅ ጨረታ አወዳድሮ ለመግዛት ይፈልጋል

Electrical and Electronics, Electrical Equipment and Accessories, Office Supplies and Stationery, Stationery Supplies, Plastic/ Pipes and Fittings, Pipes and Tubes, Fittings and Fixtures, Purchase., Textile and Leather Products, Textiles/ Fabrics and Wearing
Posted: 628 days ago  Doc price: 100
Deadline: March 29, 2023 (Bid Closed.) መጋቢት 20 ቀን 2015 ዓ.ም. ከቀኑ 8.00 ሰዓት

20. ማህበሩ የተለያዩ መጠን ያላቸው የተጠናቀቁ የጨርቅ ተረፈ ምርቶች ፣ የተለያዩ አይነት የጥጥ ቅሪቶችና ተረፈ ምርቶች ፣ የተለያዩ አይነት ብረታ ብረት እና መለዋወጫ ዕቃዎች ፣ የተለያዩ መጠን ያላቸው የተጋቡ የፕላስቲክ ጀሪካኖችና የብረት በርሜሎች እንዲሁም ሌሎች ልዩ ልዩ ዕቃዎች በዝግ ጨረታ መሰረት አወዳድሮ መሸጥ ይፈልጋል

Plastic/ Pipes and Fittings, Plastics and Plastic Products, Sale., Other Sale, Steel/ Metals and Aluminium, Steels/ Irons and Metals, Textile and Leather Products, Textiles/ Fabrics and Wearing
Posted: 628 days ago  Doc price: 200
Deadline: March 31, 2023 (Bid Closed.) 15 ተከታታይ የሥራ ቀናት

21. The Bureau invites qualified eligible bidders or supply of pipe and fittings for water supply schemes

Plastic/ Pipes and Fittings, Pipes and Tubes, Fittings and Fixtures, Purchase.
Posted: 628 days ago  Doc price: 200
Deadline: April 4, 2023 (Bid Closed.) 21st day

22. The Bureau invites bidders for Qundhi Town water supply civil works Construction & supply and Installation of pipes and fittings and Electromechanical equipment

Engineering Service and Equipment, Electro Mechanical Equipment, Plastic/ Pipes and Fittings, Pipes and Tubes, Fittings and Fixtures, Purchase., Water and Water Works, Water Well Drilling and Water System Installation
Posted: 629 days ago  Doc price: 600
Deadline: April 3, 2023 (Bid Closed.) 03/04, 2023 GC at or before 11:59 AM

23. ማህበሩ ከዚህ በታች የተገለፁትን የተለያዩ እቃዎች በዝግ ጨረታ መሰረት አወዳድሮ መሸጥ ይፈልጋል።

Plastic/ Pipes and Fittings, Plastics and Plastic Products, Sale., Other Sale, Steel/ Metals and Aluminium, Steels/ Irons and Metals, Textile and Leather Products, Textiles/ Fabrics and Wearing
Posted: 629 days ago  Doc price: 200
Deadline: March 29, 2023 (Bid Closed.) ባሉት 15 ተከታታይ የሥራ ቀናት

24. ጽ/ቤቱ የተዘጋጁ ልብሶች ፣ የተለያዩ ጫማዎች ፣ የፕላስቲክ ቦት ጫማ በግልፅ ጨረታ አወዳድሮ መግዛት ይፈልጋል

Plastic/ Pipes and Fittings, Plastics and Plastic Products, Purchase., Textile and Leather Products, Textiles/ Fabrics and Wearing, Leather Products
Posted: 629 days ago  Doc price: 100
Deadline: March 28, 2023 (Bid Closed.) በ16ኛው ቀን 4፡00

25. ባዶ በርሜሎች ሽያጭ ጨረታ ማስታወቂያ

Plastic/ Pipes and Fittings, Plastics and Plastic Products, Sale.
Posted: 630 days ago
Deadline: March 31, 2023 (Bid Closed.) በ 20 ኛው ቀን ከቀኑ 9፡00 ሰአት

26. መ/ቤቱ HDPE PIPE OD250 PN10 እቃ በግልጽ ጨረታ አወዳድሮ ለመግዛት ይፈልጋል

Plastic/ Pipes and Fittings, Plastics and Plastic Products, Pipes and Tubes, Purchase.
Posted: 630 days ago  Doc price: 200
Deadline: March 27, 2023 (Bid Closed.) ባሉት ለ15 ተከታታይ ቀናት

27. Invitation for eligible bidders for GS pipe

Plastic/ Pipes and Fittings, Pipes and Tubes, Purchase.
Posted: 630 days ago
Deadline: March 20, 2023 (Bid Closed.) March 20, 2023

28. ኩባንያው ሲገለገልባቸው የነበሩ የኩባንያው ተሽከርካሪዎች እንዲሁም የካሣ ክፍያ ፈጽሞ የተረከባቸውን (ፕላስቲክ ነክ የሆኑና ያልሆኑ ዕቃዎች የአይሱዙ እና የሲኖ ትራክ ጋቢናዎች ጎማዎችና ቸርኬዎች ወዘተ...) በጨረታ አወዳድሮ መሽጥ ይፈልጋል

Foreclosure., Vehicle Foreclosure, Other Foreclosure, Plastic/ Pipes and Fittings, Plastics and Plastic Products, Sale., Vehicle and Spare Parts, Vehicle Sale, Tyre and Battery
Posted: 631 days ago  Doc price: 100
Deadline: March 27, 2023 (Bid Closed.) መጋቢት 18 ቀን 2015 ዓ.ም. ከቀኑ 8፡00 ሰዓት

29. The factory invites eligible bidders for the supply of raw material

Plastic/ Pipes and Fittings, Plastics and Plastic Products, Purchase.
Posted: 631 days ago  Doc price: 100
Deadline: March 29, 2023 (Bid Closed.) 29 March 2023 at 2:2:00 PM and 2:30 PM

30. The Bureau invites bidders for the procurement of (Deder, Hallo Goba, Gabis Massela, and Mendi) Water supply projects civil works Construction & supply and Installation of pipes and fittings and Electromechanical Equipment

Engineering Service and Equipment, Electro Mechanical Equipment, Plastic/ Pipes and Fittings, Pipes and Tubes, Fittings and Fixtures, Purchase., Water and Water Works, Water Well Drilling and Water System Installation
Posted: 631 days ago  Doc price: 600
Deadline: April 3, 2023 (Bid Closed.) 03/04/2023 GC

31. The Bureau invites bidders for Qundhi Town water supply civil works Construction & supply and Installation of pipes and fittings and Electromechanical equipment

Engineering Service and Equipment, Electro Mechanical Equipment, Plastic/ Pipes and Fittings, Pipes and Tubes, Fittings and Fixtures, Purchase., Other Purchase
Posted: 631 days ago  Doc price: 600
Deadline: April 3, 2023 (Bid Closed.) 03/04, 2023 GC at or before 11:59 AM

32. The Bureau invites bidders for for the procurement of Qundhi Town Water supply projects civil works Construction & supply and Installation of pipes and fittings and Electromechanical equipment

Engineering Service and Equipment, Electro Mechanical Equipment, Plastic/ Pipes and Fittings, Pipes and Tubes, Fittings and Fixtures, Purchase.
Posted: 631 days ago  Doc price: 600
Deadline: April 3, 2023 (Bid Closed.) 11:59 AM 03/04/2023 GC

33. Invitation for eligible bidders for Procurement of Civil Works Construction with Installation of Pipe and Fittings, Supply of Pipes and Fittings, Supply and Installation of Electro-Mechanical Equipment for Miyay Kebele Rural Multi Village Water Supply and Sanitation Project

Engineering Service and Equipment, Electro Mechanical Equipment, Plastic/ Pipes and Fittings, Pipes and Tubes, Fittings and Fixtures, Purchase., Other Purchase
Posted: 631 days ago  Doc price: 300
Deadline: April 3, 2023 (Bid Closed.) April 03,2023 at 2:00 p.m.

34. ጽ/ቤቱ 3” ኢንች የብረት ቧንቧ በግልጽ ጨረታ አወዳድሮ መሸጥ ይፈልጋል

Plastic/ Pipes and Fittings, Pipes and Tubes, Sale.
Posted: 631 days ago  Doc price: 100
Deadline: March 25, 2023 (Bid Closed.) ለ15 ተከታታይ ቀናት

35. አዲስ እና ከአገልግሎት የተመለሱ የተለያዩ የሞባይል እና የመደበኛ የስልክ ቀፎዎች ፣ የፖወር ዕቃዎች ፣ የእንጨት ፖሎች ፣ የግንባታ መሣሪያዎች ፣ የሥራ መገልገያ የእጅ መሳሪያዎች ፣ ኮምፒዩተሮች ፕሪንተሮች ፣ ቶነር ካርቲሌጆች እና ሌሎች የኢንፎርሜሽን ሲስተም እና የኔትወርክ ዕቃዎች ፣ የቢሮ ፈርኒቸሮች ፣ የቤት ክዳን ቆርቆሮዎች ፣ ቁርጥራጭ ካርቶኖች ፣ ወረቀቶች ፣ የእንጨት የማሸጊያ ሳጥኖች እና ፖሌቶች የእሳት ማጥፊያዎች የፕላስቲክ ቁርጥራጭና ዳክቶች ፣ የበር እና የመስኮት መጋረጃዎችን ባሉበት ሁኔታ በግልጽ ጨረታ አወዳድሮ ለመሸጥ ይፈልጋል

Computer and Accessories, Computer Sale, Computer Accessories, Construction and Construction Machinery, Construction Machinery and Equipment, Electrical and Electronics, Electronics Equipment, Furnitures, Office Furniture, Packaging/ Wrapping and Papers, Plastic/ Pipes and Fittings, Plastics and Plastic Products, Sale., Other Sale, Software/ Website and Networking, Network Installation and Troubleshooting, Networking Tools and Accessories, Steel/ Metals and Aluminium, Steels/ Irons and Metals, Wood and Wood Related
Posted: 635 days ago  Doc price: 100
Deadline: March 29, 2023 (Bid Closed.) መጋቢት 20 ቀን 2015 ዓ.ም

36. ድርጅቱ UPVC PIPE በግልፅ ጨረታ አወዳድሮ ለመግዛት ይፈልጋል

Plastic/ Pipes and Fittings, Pipes and Tubes, Purchase.
Posted: 635 days ago  Doc price: 300
Deadline: March 23, 2023 (Bid Closed.) በ15ኛው ቀን በ3፡00

37. መ/ቤቱ የደንብ ልብስ ከነኮፊያው ፣ ጃኬት ፣ ቲሸርት ፣ ካልሲ ፣ ጫማ ፣ ፕላስቲክ ዱላ ተጫራቾችን አወዳድሮ መግዛት ይፈልጋል

Plastic/ Pipes and Fittings, Plastics and Plastic Products, Purchase., Other Purchase, Textile and Leather Products, Textiles/ Fabrics and Wearing, Leather Products
Posted: 636 days ago
Deadline: March 18, 2023 (Bid Closed.) በ11ኛው ቀን ከጠዋቱ 3፡30

38. ማህበሩ ያገለገሉ ዕቃዎች በግልጽ ጨረታ አወዳድሮ መሸጥ ይፈልጋል

Energy, Generators, Pump Related, Furnitures, Other Furniture, Plastic/ Pipes and Fittings, Plastics and Plastic Products, Sale., Other Sale, Steel/ Metals and Aluminium, Steels/ Irons and Metals, Vehicle and Spare Parts, Tyre and Battery, Wood and Wood Related
Posted: 636 days ago  Doc price: 200
Deadline: March 15, 2023 (Bid Closed.) ለስምንት ተከታተይ የሥራ ቀናት

39. Invitation for the construction of Abel Community Water supply projects Small works contract-civil work and pipes & fitting, Electro mechanical supply and Installation project.

Engineering Service and Equipment, Electro Mechanical Equipment, Plastic/ Pipes and Fittings, Pipes and Tubes, Fittings and Fixtures, Purchase.
Posted: 636 days ago  Doc price: 300
Deadline: March 27, 2023 (Bid Closed.) 21st calendar day

40. መ/ቤቱ የአደጋ መከላከልና ምግብ ዋስትና ኮሚሽን ለኮሚሽኑ አገልግሎት የሚውል ፕላስቲክ ማዳበሪያ መግዛት ይፈልጋል

Plastic/ Pipes and Fittings, Plastics and Plastic Products, Purchase.
Posted: 637 days ago  Doc price: 100
Deadline: March 21, 2023 (Bid Closed.) በ16ተኛው ቀን በ4፡00

41. Invitation to procure raw materials

Engineering Service and Equipment, Engineering Equipment, Plastic/ Pipes and Fittings, Pipes and Tubes, PVC Related Products, Purchase., Other Purchase, Steel/ Metals and Aluminium, Steels/ Irons and Metals
Posted: 639 days ago  Doc price: 400
Deadline: April 25, 2023 (Bid Closed.) 25th of April 2023

42. ኢንተርፕራይዙ Distribution Board እና “PVC Bedded and PVC Sheathed NYY Power Cable" ግዥ ለመፈፀም ተጫራቾችን በግልፅ ጨረታ አወዳድሮ መግዛት ይፈልጋል

Plastic/ Pipes and Fittings, PVC Related Products, Purchase., Other Purchase
Posted: 640 days ago  Doc price: 200
Deadline: March 24, 2023 (Bid Closed.) መጋቢት 15 ቀን 2015 ከጠዋቱ 4፡00

43. ጽ/ቤቱ ቧንቧ መገጣጠሚያ ፣ ሰርፌስ ፓምፕ እና ባለ 3 እግር ተሸከርካሪ በግልጽ ጨረታ አወዳደሮ ለመግዛት ይፈልጋል

Plastic/ Pipes and Fittings, PVC Related Products, Fittings and Fixtures, Purchase., Vehicle and Spare Parts, Vehicle Purchase, Motorcycles and Bicycles Sale/ Rent and Purchase
Posted: 641 days ago  Doc price: 100
Deadline: March 19, 2023 (Bid Closed.) በ16ኛው ቀን ከጧቱ 3፡00

44. Invitation to procure raw materials

Electrical and Electronics, Electrical Equipment and Accessories, Plastic/ Pipes and Fittings, Pipes and Tubes, Purchase., Other Purchase, Steel/ Metals and Aluminium, Steels/ Irons and Metals
Posted: 641 days ago  Doc price: 400
Deadline: April 25, 2023 (Bid Closed.) 25th of April 2023 at 11:00 A.M

45. The Bank invites eligible and interested Bidders for the procurement of Different Materials

Cleaning and Janitorial., Cleaning and Janitorial Equipments, Computer and Accessories, Computer Purchase, Computer Accessories, Electrical and Electronics, Electronics Equipment, Furnitures, Other Furniture, Installation and Maintenance, Office Supplies and Stationery, Office Items and Equipment, Stationery Supplies, Plastic/ Pipes and Fittings, Plastics and Plastic Products, Fittings and Fixtures, Purchase., Other Purchase, Software/ Website and Networking, Network Installation and Troubleshooting
Posted: 641 days ago  Doc price: 300
Deadline: March 17, 2023 (Bid Closed.) Mar. 17, 2023, at 2:00 pm

46. National Competitive Bidding from eligible and qualified bidders to bid for the supply of Polythene Tube Bag

Plastic/ Pipes and Fittings, Pipes and Tubes, Purchase., Other Purchase
Posted: 642 days ago  Doc price: 300
Deadline: March 16, 2023 (Bid Closed.) March 16/2023 at 11:00 am

47. Invitation to Procure Different Items

Plastic/ Pipes and Fittings, PVC Related Products, Purchase., Other Purchase
Posted: 642 days ago  Doc price: 200
Deadline: March 15, 2023 (Bid Closed.) 15th Ethiopian calendar day

48. The Corporation invites eligible bidders for the procurement of "PVC hydrofoil water stop bulb" for the Arjo spillway project

Plastic/ Pipes and Fittings, PVC Related Products, Purchase.
Posted: 643 days ago  Doc price: 300
Deadline: March 16, 2023 (Bid Closed.) March, 16/2023 G.C at 2:00 P.M


Cleaning and Janitorial., Cleaning and Janitorial Equipments, Energy, Generators, Pump Related, Plastic/ Pipes and Fittings, Plastics and Plastic Products, Pipes and Tubes, Purchase., Other Purchase
Posted: 643 days ago
Deadline: March 8, 2023 (Bid Closed.) March 8, 2023.

50. መምሪያው ኘላስቲክ ወንበር እና ጠረጳዛ ግዥ ለመፈጸም ይፈልጋል

Furnitures, Other Furniture, Plastic/ Pipes and Fittings, Plastics and Plastic Products, Purchase.
Posted: 644 days ago  Doc price: 50
Deadline: March 13, 2023 (Bid Closed.) በ16ኛው ቀን በ8፡00 ሰዓት

51. መምሪያው ኘላስቲክ ወንበር እና ጠረጳዛ ግዥ ለመፈጸም ይፈልጋል

Furnitures, Other Furniture, Plastic/ Pipes and Fittings, Plastics and Plastic Products, Purchase.
Posted: 644 days ago  Doc price: 50
Deadline: March 13, 2023 (Bid Closed.) በ16ኛው ቀን በ8፡00 ሰዓት

52. The Commission invites eligible bidders for the supply and installation of pipes and fittings and other civil works for the water supply project for Kebele in Sidama Region

Plastic/ Pipes and Fittings, Pipes and Tubes, Fittings and Fixtures, Purchase.
Posted: 644 days ago  Doc price: 500
Deadline: March 18, 2023 (Bid Closed.) 21st day

53. The Authority invites eligible bidders and qualified contracts for the supply of Pipe Fittings and Hydraulic Accessories

Engineering Service and Equipment, Engineering Equipment, Hydraulic Engineering Services, Plastic/ Pipes and Fittings, Pipes and Tubes, Fittings and Fixtures, Purchase., Water and Water Works, Water Engineering Machinery/ Equipment and Tools
Posted: 645 days ago  Doc price: 800
Deadline: March 27, 2023 (Bid Closed.) 30 (Thirty) Consecutive calendar days

54. The Factory invites interested eligible and qualified bidders for the purchase of different raw materials

Plastic/ Pipes and Fittings, PVC Related Products, Printing and Publishing., Printing and Publishing Equipment/Appliances, Purchase., Other Purchase, Steel/ Metals and Aluminium, Steels/ Irons and Metals, Aluminum Related Products
Posted: 645 days ago  Doc price: 500
Deadline: March 19, 2023 (Bid Closed.) 22nd date at 9:00 AM

55. The Authority invites eligible bidders and qualified contracts for the supply of Pipe Fittings and Hydraulic Accessories

Engineering Service and Equipment, Engineering Equipment, Hydraulic Engineering Services, Plastic/ Pipes and Fittings, Pipes and Tubes, Fittings and Fixtures, Purchase., Water and Water Works, Water Engineering Machinery/ Equipment and Tools
Posted: 645 days ago  Doc price: 800
Deadline: March 27, 2023 (Bid Closed.) 30 (Thirty) Consecutive calendar days

56. ድርጅቱ የተለያዩ ያገለገሉ ንብረቶችን ባሉበት ሁኔታ እና ቦታ በጨረታ አወዳድሮ ለመሸጥ ይፈልጋል

Computer and Accessories, Computer Sale, Computer Accessories, Construction and Construction Machinery, Construction Machinery and Equipment, Electrical and Electronics, Electronics Equipment, Machinery., Machinery Sale, Plastic/ Pipes and Fittings, Plastics and Plastic Products, Sale., Other Sale, Steel/ Metals and Aluminium, Steels/ Irons and Metals
Posted: 645 days ago  Doc price: 200
Deadline: March 11, 2023 (Bid Closed.) 15አልተገለፀም

57. ኢንተርፕራይዙ የsanitary Fixture ፣ Fire Hydrant & Wet Pillar Hydrant Cabinet ፣ Fiber Glass Water Tanker እና PPR Pipe, UPVC, HDPE Pipe & Fittings ግዥ ለመፈፀም ተጫራቾችን በግልፅ ጨረታ አወዳድሮ መግዛት ይፈልጋል

Plastic/ Pipes and Fittings, Pipes and Tubes, PVC Related Products, Fittings and Fixtures, Purchase., Other Purchase
Posted: 645 days ago  Doc price: 200
Deadline: March 21, 2023 (Bid Closed.) 12/07/2015 ዓ.ም ከጠዋቱ 4፡00

58. መ/ቤቱ የውሃ ቧንቧና የመገጣጠሚያ ዕቃዎችን እና የኤሌክትሮኒክስ ዕቃዎችን በግልፅ ጨረታ አወዳድሮ መግዛት ይፈልጋል

Electrical and Electronics, Electronics Equipment, Plastic/ Pipes and Fittings, PVC Related Products, Fittings and Fixtures, Purchase.
Posted: 645 days ago  Doc price: 500
Deadline: March 20, 2023 (Bid Closed.) 11/07/2015 ዓ.ም ከቀኑ 6፡00 ላይ

59. ጽ/ቤቱ የደንብ ልብስ ፣ የሰራተኞች ጫማ ፣ ጋልቫናይዝድ ቧንቧና መገጣጠሚያ እቃዎች ፣ የጽህፈት እና አላቂ ዕቃዎች ፣ ቋሚ ዕቃዎች ፣ ኤሌክትሪካል ማቴሪያል ፣ ቱልስ (Tools) እንዲሁም የውጭ ኦዲት አገልግሎት መግዛት ይፈልጋል

Accounting and Auditing, Auditing Related, Electrical and Electronics, Electrical Equipment and Accessories, Plastic/ Pipes and Fittings, PVC Related Products, Fittings and Fixtures, Purchase., Textile and Leather Products, Textiles/ Fabrics and Wearing, Leather Products
Posted: 646 days ago  Doc price: 100
Deadline: March 3, 2023 (Bid Closed.) 15ኛው ቀን ከጠዋቱ 4፡00 ሰዓት

60. Invitation for Sale of Boreholes Casing Pipes

Plastic/ Pipes and Fittings, Pipes and Tubes, Sale., Water and Water Works, Water Engineering Machinery/ Equipment and Tools
Posted: 648 days ago  Doc price: 400
Deadline: March 6, 2023 (Bid Closed.) 10 working days


Plastic/ Pipes and Fittings, Pipes and Tubes, Fittings and Fixtures, Purchase.
Posted: 648 days ago
Deadline: March 1, 2023 (Bid Closed.) 12:00AM March 1, 2023


Plastic/ Pipes and Fittings, Pipes and Tubes, Purchase.
Posted: 648 days ago
Deadline: March 1, 2023 (Bid Closed.) 12:00AM March 1, 2023

63. ማህበሩ ስቲል ኬዚንግ (steel casing), GS pipe እና የቧንቧ መገጠሚያ ፊቲንግ ፣ ኤሌክትሮ ሜካኒካል እቃዎች ፓምፕና ጀኔረተር/አቅርቦት እንዲሁም የነዳጅ ፍጆታ የጭነት እና የቦታ መከታተያ /GPS/ አቅርቦት እና ተክላ ለመግዛት ይፈልጋል

Energy, Generators, Fuel and Related, Engineering Service and Equipment, Electro Mechanical Equipment, Surveying Equipment and Services, Plastic/ Pipes and Fittings, Fittings and Fixtures, Purchase., Transport and Transit, Transport Services
Posted: 648 days ago
Deadline: March 14, 2023 (Bid Closed.) በ21ኛው ቀን ከቀኑ 10፡00 ሰዓት

64. ጽ/ቤቱ የደንብ ልብስ ብትን ጨርቅ ፣ የመኪና መለዋወጫ እቃዎችና ጎማ ከነከመናዳሪው እና HDPE ቧንቧ PN-16 PE 100% እቃዎችን መግዛት ይፈልጋል

Plastic/ Pipes and Fittings, Pipes and Tubes, Purchase., Textile and Leather Products, Textiles/ Fabrics and Wearing, Leather Products, Vehicle and Spare Parts, Spare Parts Sale and Supply, Tyre and Battery
Posted: 648 days ago  Doc price: 50
Deadline: March 9, 2023 (Bid Closed.) በ16ኛው ቀን ከጠዋቱ 4፡00

65. ማህበሩ ስቲል ኬዚንግ (steel casing), GS pipe እና የቧንቧ መገጠሚያ ፊቲንግ ፣ ኤሌክትሮ ሜካኒካል እቃዎች ፓምፕና ጀኔረተር/አቅርቦት እንዲሁም የነዳጅ ፍጆታ የጭነት እና የቦታ መከታተያ /GPS/ አቅርቦት እና ተክላ ለመግዛት ይፈልጋል

Engineering Service and Equipment, Electro Mechanical Equipment, Surveying Equipment and Services, Plastic/ Pipes and Fittings, Pipes and Tubes, Fittings and Fixtures, Purchase., Other Purchase
Posted: 648 days ago
Deadline: March 14, 2023 (Bid Closed.) በ21ኛው ቀን ከቀኑ 10፡00 ሰዓት

66. ማህበሩ ስቲል ኬዚንግ (steel casing), GS pipe እና የቧንቧ መገጠሚያ ፊቲንግ ፣ ኤሌክትሮ ሜካኒካል እቃዎች ፓምፕና ጀኔረተር/አቅርቦት እንዲሁም የነዳጅ ፍጆታ የጭነት እና የቦታ መከታተያ /GPS/ አቅርቦት እና ተክላ ለመግዛት ይፈልጋል

Engineering Service and Equipment, Electro Mechanical Equipment, Surveying Equipment and Services, Plastic/ Pipes and Fittings, Pipes and Tubes, Fittings and Fixtures, Purchase., Other Purchase
Posted: 648 days ago
Deadline: March 15, 2023 (Bid Closed.) በ21ኛው ቀን ከቀኑ 10፡00 ሰዓት

67. ጽ/ቤቱ የተለያዩ የዉሃ ቧንቧና መገጣጠሚያ እቃዎች በግልጽ ጨረታ አወዳድሮ መግዛት ይፈልጋል

Plastic/ Pipes and Fittings, Pipes and Tubes, Fittings and Fixtures, Purchase.
Posted: 648 days ago  Doc price: 100
Deadline: March 7, 2023 (Bid Closed.) በ16ኛው ቀን ከጠዋቱ 3:00

68. ጽ/ቤቱ የግንባታ እቃዎች ፣ የውሃ መሳቢያ ሞተር፣ ጋቢዮን እና የግብርና ግብዓት ቁሳቁስ ፣ ፖሊተን ቲዮብ እና ብትን ጨርቅ በግልጽ ጨረታ አወዳድሮ መግዛት ይፈልጋል

Agriculture, Agricultural Raw Material and Supplies, Construction and Construction Machinery, Construction Machinery and Equipment, Plastic/ Pipes and Fittings, Pipes and Tubes, Purchase., Other Purchase, Textile and Leather Products, Textiles/ Fabrics and Wearing, Water and Water Works, Water Engineering Machinery/ Equipment and Tools
Posted: 648 days ago  Doc price: 100
Deadline: March 7, 2023 (Bid Closed.) 28/06/2015 ዓ.ም

69. ማህበሩ የሚጠቀምባቸውን ጥሬ ዕቃ እና አክሰሰሪ ህጋዊ እና አቅም ካላቸው አቅራቢዎች መዝግቦ በቀጣይነት ከተመዘገቡት አቅራቢዎች ጋር መስራት ይፈልጋል

Building Materials, Electrical and Electronics, Electrical Equipment and Accessories, Furnitures, Office Furniture, Other Furniture, Plastic/ Pipes and Fittings, PVC Related Products, Purchase., Other Purchase, Steel/ Metals and Aluminium, Steels/ Irons and Metals, Aluminum Related Products, Textile and Leather Products, Textiles/ Fabrics and Wearing, Vehicle and Spare Parts, Tyre and Battery, Wood and Wood Related
Posted: 648 days ago
Deadline: March 7, 2023 (Bid Closed.) 15 not mentioned

70. ፋብሪካው የተለያየ መጠን ያላቸው የቧንቧ እቃዎች በግልጽ ጨረታ አወዳድሮ መግዛት ይፈልጋል

Plastic/ Pipes and Fittings, Pipes and Tubes, Fittings and Fixtures, Purchase.
Posted: 648 days ago
Deadline: March 28, 2023 (Bid Closed.) መጋቢት 19 ቀን 2015 ዓ.ም

71. ጽ/ቤቱ የቧንቧ አገልግሎት የሚውል የውሃ እቃዎች በጨረታ አወዳድሮ መግዛት ይፈልጋል

Plastic/ Pipes and Fittings, Pipes and Tubes, Purchase., Water and Water Works, Water Engineering Machinery/ Equipment and Tools
Posted: 648 days ago  Doc price: 100
Deadline: March 9, 2023 (Bid Closed.) 15 (አስራ አምስት) የሥራ ቀናት

72. Invitation for all eligible bidders for the supply of HDPE pipe and Fittings

Plastic/ Pipes and Fittings, Pipes and Tubes, Fittings and Fixtures, Purchase.
Posted: 649 days ago
Deadline: March 7, 2023 (Bid Closed.) 10:00 AM on March 07, 2023

73. Invitation for the under listed Materials and Works

Cleaning and Janitorial., Cleaning and Janitorial Equipments, Construction and Construction Machinery, Construction Machinery and Equipment, Construction Raw Materials, Electrical and Electronics, Electrical Equipment and Accessories, Furnishing and Fixture, Partition Related, Home Appliance and Supplies, Plastic/ Pipes and Fittings, Pipes and Tubes, Fittings and Fixtures, Purchase., Other Purchase, Security and Protection, Security and Protection Equipment, Software/ Website and Networking, Software Purchase, Steel/ Metals and Aluminium, Steels/ Irons and Metals, Aluminum Related Products, Telecommunication Equipment and Service
Posted: 649 days ago
Deadline: February 25, 2023 (Bid Closed.) 25 of February, 2023.

74. ማህበሩ የሚጠቀምባቸውን ጥሬ ዕቃ እና አክሰሰሪ ይፈልጋል

Building Materials, Computer and Accessories, Computer Purchase, Computer Accessories, Electrical and Electronics, Electronics Equipment, Furnitures, Other Furniture, Plastic/ Pipes and Fittings, PVC Related Products, Purchase., Other Purchase, Steel/ Metals and Aluminium, Steels/ Irons and Metals, Aluminum Related Products, Vehicle and Spare Parts, Tyre and Battery, Wood and Wood Related
Posted: 650 days ago
Deadline: March 6, 2023 (Bid Closed.) 15አልተገለፀም

75. ት/ቤቱ ለመስሪያ ቤቱ ስራ አገልግሎት የሚውሉ እቃዎች እና ጥገናዎችን በጨረታ ማወዳደር

Cleaning and Janitorial., Cleaning and Janitorial Equipments, Education and Training., Books and Education Materials, Furnitures, Office Furniture, Machinery., Machinery Maintenance, Plastic/ Pipes and Fittings, Pipes and Tubes, Purchase., Other Purchase, Textile and Leather Products, Textiles/ Fabrics and Wearing
Posted: 650 days ago  Doc price: 100
Deadline: March 2, 2023 (Bid Closed.) በ11ኛው ቀን ከቀኑ 3፡30 ሰዓት

76. ፋብሪካው የተለያየ መጠን ያላቸው የቧንቧ እቃዎች በግልጽ ጨረታ አወዳድሮ መግዛት ይፈልጋል

Plastic/ Pipes and Fittings, Pipes and Tubes, Purchase.
Posted: 650 days ago  Doc price: 100
Deadline: March 28, 2023 (Bid Closed.) መጋቢት 19 ቀን 2015 ዓ.ም ከጠዋቱ 3፡30 ሰዓት


Energy, Fuel and Related, Plastic/ Pipes and Fittings, Plastics and Plastic Products, Purchase., Other Purchase, Vehicle and Spare Parts, Spare Parts Sale and Supply, Tyre and Battery, Wood and Wood Related
Posted: 652 days ago
Deadline: March 6, 2023 (Bid Closed.) 06 March 2023.

78. መ/ቤቱ የተለያዩ ቁሳቁሶችን ፓሊቲን ቲዩብ ግዥ በግልጽ ጨረታ አወዳድሮ መግዛት ይፈልጋል

Plastic/ Pipes and Fittings, Pipes and Tubes, Purchase.
Posted: 656 days ago  Doc price: 100
Deadline: March 3, 2023 (Bid Closed.) በ16ኛው ቀን ከጠዋቱ 4፡00 ሰዓት

79. The Company intended to procure a Plastic extrusion plant, a variety of bread and confectionery machines, semi-automatics concrete block making machine and Wood panel laminating machines

Machinery., Machinery Purchase, Plastic/ Pipes and Fittings, Plastics and Plastic Products, Purchase.
Posted: 656 days ago  Doc price: 500
Deadline: March 6, 2023 (Bid Closed.) 20th day

80. ኢንዱስትሪው ጀሪካኖች ፣ የፓሌት እንጨቶች ፣ ካርቶኖች ፣ የፕላስቲክና የብረት በርሜሎች ፣ ብረታ ብረቶች ፣ ያገለገሉ ጐማዎች እንዲሁም ሌሎች አገልግሎት የሰጡ ዕቃዎችን በጨረታ አወዳድሮ ለመሸጥ ይፈልጋል

Plastic/ Pipes and Fittings, Plastics and Plastic Products, Sale., Steel/ Metals and Aluminium, Steels/ Irons and Metals, Vehicle and Spare Parts, Tyre and Battery, Wood and Wood Related
Posted: 656 days ago  Doc price: 200
Deadline: March 1, 2023 (Bid Closed.) በአስራ አምስተኛው ቀን ከቀኑ 10:00

81. ኢንዱስትሪው ጀሪካኖች ፣ የፓሌት እንጨቶች ፣ ካርቶኖች ፣ የፕላስቲክና የብረት በርሜሎች ፣ ብረታ ብረቶች ፣ ያገለገሉ ጐማዎች እንዲሁም ሌሎች አገልግሎት የሰጡ ዕቃዎችን በጨረታ አወዳድሮ ለመሸጥ ይፈልጋል

Plastic/ Pipes and Fittings, Plastics and Plastic Products, Sale., Steel/ Metals and Aluminium, Steels/ Irons and Metals, Vehicle and Spare Parts, Tyre and Battery, Wood and Wood Related
Posted: 656 days ago  Doc price: 200
Deadline: March 1, 2023 (Bid Closed.) በአስራ አምስተኛው ቀን ከቀኑ 10:00

82. ት/ቤቱ የተለያዩ ዕቃዎች ግዢ መፈፀም ይፈልጋል

Electrical and Electronics, Electronics Equipment, Furnitures, Other Furniture, Office Supplies and Stationery, Stationery Supplies, Plastic/ Pipes and Fittings, Pipes and Tubes, Printing and Publishing., Printing and Publishing Service, Purchase.
Posted: 656 days ago  Doc price: 100
Deadline: February 24, 2023 (Bid Closed.) በ10ኛው አስረኛውቀን በ8፡00 ሰአት

83. ፅ/ቤቱ ልዩ ልዩ የውሃ መገጣጣሚያ እቃዎችን በግልፅ ጨረታ አወዳድሮ መግዛት እና ያገለገለ በነዳጅ የሚሰራ ጀኔሬተር በሃራጅ መሸጥ ይፈልጋል

Energy, Generators, Foreclosure., Other Foreclosure, Plastic/ Pipes and Fittings, Fittings and Fixtures, Sale., Other Sale
Posted: 657 days ago  Doc price: 200
Deadline: February 27, 2023 (Bid Closed.) የካቲት 20/2015 ከቀኑ 11፡30

84. ፅ/ቤቱ ልዩ ልዩ የውሃ መገጣጣሚያ እቃዎችን በግልፅ ጨረታ አወዳድሮ መግዛት እና ያገለገለ በነዳጅ የሚሰራ ጀኔሬተር በሃራጅ መሸጥ ይፈልጋል

Energy, Generators, Foreclosure., Other Foreclosure, Plastic/ Pipes and Fittings, Fittings and Fixtures, Sale., Other Sale
Posted: 657 days ago  Doc price: 200
Deadline: February 27, 2023 (Bid Closed.) የካቲት 20/2015 ከቀኑ 11፡30

85. ዩኒቨርሲቲው የኮምፒውተርና የኤሌክትሮኒክስ ዕቃዎች ፣ ለውሃ መስመር ዝርጋታ የቧንቧ ዕቃዎች ፣ የተለያዩ የህክምና መድኃኒቶች በግልፅ ጨረታ አወዳድሮ ለመግዛት ይፈልጋል

Computer and Accessories, Computer Purchase, Electrical and Electronics, Electronics Equipment, Medical Equipment and Supplies, Medical/Laboratory Equipment, Plastic/ Pipes and Fittings, Pipes and Tubes, Purchase.
Posted: 657 days ago  Doc price: 200
Deadline: March 1, 2023 (Bid Closed.) የካቲት 22 /2015 በ8፡00 ሰዓት

86. ማህበሩ የውስጥ ቀለም ቅብ ፣ የእሳት መከላከያ የብረት ቧንቧ ዝርጋታ (1,300 ሜትር) እና የእሳት ማጥፊያ ሆዝ ካቢኔት ገጠማ ማሰራት ይፈልጋል

General Service Provision, Painting, Installation and Maintenance, Plastic/ Pipes and Fittings, Pipes and Tubes
Posted: 657 days ago  Doc price: 200
Deadline: February 22, 2023 (Bid Closed.) የካቲት15 ቀን 2015 ዓም. ከጠዋቱ 4:00 ሰአት

87. ኤጀንሲው የሚከተሉትን የተለያዩ እቃዎችን በግልፅ ጨረታ አወዳድሮ መግዛት ይፈልጋል::

Plastic/ Pipes and Fittings, Plastics and Plastic Products, Purchase., Textile and Leather Products, Textiles/ Fabrics and Wearing, Leather Products
Posted: 657 days ago
Deadline: February 27, 2023 (Bid Closed.) ለ15 ተከታታይ ቀናት

88. ፋብሪካው የተለያዩ የቧንቧ እቃዎች (Thermostat, Nipples, Elbow, Gate Valve...) በጨረታ አወዳድሮ መግዛት ይፈልጋል

Plastic/ Pipes and Fittings, Pipes and Tubes, PVC Related Products, Fittings and Fixtures, Purchase., Water and Water Works, Water Engineering Machinery/ Equipment and Tools
Posted: 658 days ago  Doc price: 100
Deadline: March 10, 2023 (Bid Closed.) መጋቢት 2 ቀን 2015 ዓ.ም ከጠዋቱ 3፡30

89. ት/ቤቱ አላቂ የፅህፈት እቃዎች ፣ የደንብ ልብስ ፣ የስፖርት ቁምጣና ቲሸርት ፣ የጥበቃ ጫማ ካፖርት ቱታ ፣ የፈርኒቸር ዕቃዎችን ፣ የቢሮ ማሽነሪ ጥገናዎች (ኮምፒዩተር ፣ ፕሪንተር ፣ የፎቶ ኮፒ ጥገና ፣ የማባዣ ማሽን ጥገና) ፣ የቧንቧ እና የኤሌክትሪክ የጥገና እቃዎች መግዛት ይፈልጋል

Electrical and Electronics, Electrical Equipment and Accessories, Furnitures, Other Furniture, Office Supplies and Stationery, Stationery Supplies, Plastic/ Pipes and Fittings, Pipes and Tubes, Purchase., Other Purchase, Sports/ Camping and Leisure, Textile and Leather Products, Textiles/ Fabrics and Wearing
Posted: 658 days ago  Doc price: 100
Deadline: February 22, 2023 (Bid Closed.) በ11ኛው ቀን ከጠዋቱ 3፡30 ሰአት

90. ት/ቤቱ አላቂ የፅህፈት እቃዎች ፣ የደንብ ልብስ ፣ የስፖርት ቁምጣና ቲሸርት ፣ የጥበቃ ጫማ ካፖርት ቱታ ፣ የፈርኒቸር ዕቃዎችን ፣ የቢሮ ማሽነሪ ጥገናዎች (ኮምፒዩተር ፣ ፕሪንተር ፣ የፎቶ ኮፒ ጥገና ፣ የማባዣ ማሽን ጥገና) ፣ የቧንቧ እና የኤሌክትሪክ የጥገና እቃዎች መግዛት ይፈልጋል

Electrical and Electronics, Electrical Equipment and Accessories, Furnitures, Other Furniture, Office Supplies and Stationery, Stationery Supplies, Plastic/ Pipes and Fittings, Pipes and Tubes, Purchase., Other Purchase, Sports/ Camping and Leisure, Textile and Leather Products, Textiles/ Fabrics and Wearing
Posted: 658 days ago  Doc price: 100
Deadline: February 22, 2023 (Bid Closed.) በ11ኛው ቀን ከጠዋቱ 3፡30 ሰአት

91. ፋብሪካው የተለያዩ የቧንቧ እቃዎች (Thermostat, Nipples, Elbow, Gate Valve...) በጨረታ አወዳድሮ መግዛት ይፈልጋል

Plastic/ Pipes and Fittings, Pipes and Tubes, Purchase.
Posted: 658 days ago  Doc price: 100
Deadline: March 11, 2023 (Bid Closed.) መጋቢት 2 ቀን 2015 ዓ.ም ከጠዋቱ 3፡30

92. ሆስፒታሉ መድሃኒት ፣ የላብራቶሪ ሬኤጄንት እና ኬሚካሎች ፣ የህክምና መገልገያ መሳሪያዎች ፣ ቋሚ ኤሌክትሮኒክስ ፣ ቋሚ ፈርኒቸር የመኪና እና የጄኔሬተር መለዋወጫ እቃዎች ፣ የቧንቧ እቃዎች ፣ የፅዳት እቃዎች እና ጫማ በብሔራዊ ግልፅ ጨረታ አወዳድሮ ለመግዛት ይፈልጋል

Cleaning and Janitorial., Cleaning and Janitorial Equipments, Electrical and Electronics, Electronics Equipment, Laboratory and Chemicals, Laboratory Equipments, Medical Equipment and Supplies, Pharmaceutical Products/Medicines, Medical/Laboratory Equipment, Plastic/ Pipes and Fittings, Pipes and Tubes, Purchase., Textile and Leather Products, Leather Products, Vehicle and Spare Parts, Spare Parts Sale and Supply
Posted: 658 days ago  Doc price: 50
Deadline: February 26, 2023 (Bid Closed.) በአስራ ስድስተኛው ቀን 4፡30

93. Invitation for the supply and delivery of saving box, Commodity Warehouse Materials and Plastic Sheet

Plastic/ Pipes and Fittings, Plastics and Plastic Products, Purchase., Warehouse and Store
Posted: 658 days ago  Doc price: 200
Deadline: February 22, 2023 (Bid Closed.) 10 consecutive working days

94. ኢንዱስትሪው የተለያዩ ያገለገሉ ንብረቶች በግልፅ ጨረታ አወዳድሮ ለመሸጥ ይፈልጋል

Electrical and Electronics, Electronics Equipment, Plastic/ Pipes and Fittings, Plastics and Plastic Products, Sale., Other Sale, Vehicle and Spare Parts, Spare Parts Sale and Supply, Tyre and Battery
Posted: 659 days ago  Doc price: 300
Deadline: February 28, 2023 (Bid Closed.) የካቲት 21 ቀን 2015 ዓ.ም. ከቀኑ 8፡00 ሰዓት

95. አስተዳደሩ ለሚያከናውናቸው የመንገድ ጥገና እና ግንባታ የሚያስፈልግ MC-3000 ብዛት 5000 በርሜል ፣ AC 80/100 ብዛት 3000 በርሜል እና AC 60/70 ብዛት 1000 በርሜል አስፋልት (Bitumen) በብሔራዊ ግልጽ ጨረታ የግዥ ዘዴ አወዳድሮ ለመግዛት ይፈልጋል

Energy, Refrigeration and Cold Room, Plastic/ Pipes and Fittings, Plastics and Plastic Products, Purchase., Other Purchase
Posted: 659 days ago  Doc price: 100
Deadline: February 28, 2023 (Bid Closed.) የካቲት 21 ቀን 2015 ዓ.ም ጠዋቱ 4፡00 ሰዓት

96. ጽ/ቤቱ የችግኝ መትከያ ፕላስቲክ ቲዩብ ፣ የደንብ ልብስ እና የጽዳት ዕቃዎች በግልጽ ጨረታ አወዳድሮ ለመግዛት ይፈልጋል

Cleaning and Janitorial., Cleaning and Janitorial Equipments, Plastic/ Pipes and Fittings, Plastics and Plastic Products, Pipes and Tubes, Purchase., Textile and Leather Products, Textiles/ Fabrics and Wearing
Posted: 659 days ago  Doc price: 300
Deadline: February 24, 2023 (Bid Closed.) ባሉት ተከታታይ 15 ቀናት ከቀኑ 8፡oo ሠዓት

97. ድርጅቱ ያገለገሉ የብረት ቱቦዎችንና ጀነሬተሮች በጨረታ መሸጥ ይፈልጋል

Generators, Plastic/ Pipes and Fittings, PVC Related Products, Fittings and Fixtures, Sale.
Posted: 659 days ago  Doc price: 500
Deadline: February 26, 2023 (Bid Closed.) በ16ኛዉ ቀን በ 3፡00 ሰዓት

98. The Corporation invite eligible bidders for the procurement of Different Types of DCI, HDPE & Steel Fitting

Plastic/ Pipes and Fittings, Pipes and Tubes, PVC Related Products, Fittings and Fixtures, Purchase.
Posted: 662 days ago  Doc price: 300
Deadline: February 23, 2023 (Bid Closed.) February 23/2023 G.C at 2:00 P.M

99. ድርጅቱ ለተለያዩ አገልግሎት የሚውሉ የተለየዩ የውሃ ቧንቧዎችና መገጣጠሚያዎች በግልጽ ጨረታ አወዳድሮ ለመግዛት ይፈልጋል

Plastic/ Pipes and Fittings, Pipes and Tubes, PVC Related Products, Fittings and Fixtures, Purchase.
Posted: 662 days ago  Doc price: 500
Deadline: February 24, 2023 (Bid Closed.) በ16ኛው ቀን ከረፋዱ 6:00 ሰዓት

100. Invitation for eligible bidders for the supply of HDPE PE 100 Black

Plastic/ Pipes and Fittings, Plastics and Plastic Products, Pipes and Tubes, Purchase.
Posted: 663 days ago  Doc price: 100
Deadline: March 2, 2023 (Bid Closed.) 2 March 2023 at 2:00 PM